The starting point is that the principle ‘One solution fits all’ should be discarded. Each industry and organisation will ideally desire specific version of their implementation for Incident Reporting. Within the organisation, the complexity compounds, some data fields should be exposed, others have shown selectively, some should be skipped, some hidden and appearing conditionally and others mandatory. This is only the start of the complexity. As we get deeper the problem of designing an Incident Reporting System compounds.
We at Tickit confronted this problem head-on and we have addressed these challenges in our enhanced design of Incident Reporting system which forms the part of our most recent update. These and many more features in our current implementation have been hailed as the breakthrough by our customers. Finally, we have succeeded in designing an Incident reporting system uniquely suited to Tickit users, who use our system in a diverse range of industries and the ever varying organisational environment.
The already proven system becomes better with Conditional Logic and Placeholders
With the new release, we have added an important feature, what we call conditional treatment of the data field created in the incident report. In simple terms, it addresses a number of important real life scenarios, the important one being the treatment of data fields on intelli-sensed conditional logic. This feature is further enriched by adding the concept of a placeholder field. And this is just the start and one of the new additions striving to make Tickit feature rich, the reasons our users love it.
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